Creative Writing Showcase
[[Choose a game]]Score: [$score](set: $GC to (random: 1,5))
(if: $GC is 1)[(Display: "Memoir Mini game #1 Start")] (if: $GC is 2)[(display: "Free choice mini game #1 Start")] (if: $GC is 3)[(display: "Horror story mini game #1 Start")] (if: $GC is 4)[(display: "Children story mini game #1 Start")](if: $GC is 5)[(display: "Serendipitous Story mini game #1 Start")]
[[Main Menu->Untitled Passage]](live: .1s)[Time Left: [$TL]]
(live: .1s)[(if: $GO is 1)[(stop:)](if: $Win is 1)[(stop:)]Altitude: [$alt] Km]
(link-repeat: "Green Button")[(if: $ins is 1)[(set: $insc to 1)(set: $alt to it +1)](if: $ins is not 1)[(set: $insc to 1)(set: $alt to it -1)]]
(link-repeat: "Red Switch")[(if: $ins is 2)[(set: $insc to 1)(set: $alt to it +1)](if: $ins is not 2)[(set: $insc to 1)(set: $alt to it -1)]]
(link-repeat: "Yellow Button")[(if: $ins is 3)[(set: $insc to 1)(set: $alt to it +1)](if: $ins is not 3)[(set: $insc to 1)(set: $alt to it -1)]]
(link-repeat: "Green Crank")[(if: $ins is 4)[(set: $insc to 1)(set: $alt to it +1)](if: $ins is not 4)[(set: $insc to 4)(set: $alt to it -1)]]
(set: $Win to 0)
(set: $ins to (random: 1,4))
(set: $GO to 0)
(live: 1s)[(if: $GO is 1)[(goto: "Start")](if: $Win is 1)[(stop:)](set: $TL to it -1)]
(set: $TL to 60)
(live: .1s)[(if: $TL is 0)[(set: $GO to 1)(replace: ?Ins)[GAME OVER]]]
(set: $insc to 1)
(live: .1s)[(if: $GO is 1)[(stop:)](if: $Win is 1)[(stop:)](if: $insc is 1)[(set: $ins to (random: 1,4))(set: $insc to 0) (if: $ins is 1)[(set: $instimer to 3)(replace: ?Ins)[Press green button]] (if: $ins is 2)[(replace: ?Ins)[Flip red switch]] (if: $ins is 3)[(replace: ?Ins)[Press yellow button]] (if: $ins is 4)[(replace: ?Ins)[Crank the green crank]] ]]
(live: .1s)[(if: $alt is 20)[(set: $Win to 1)(set: $score to it +10)(goto: "Start")]](live: .1s)[Followers: [$Followers]
Opponents: [$Opponents]]
(link-repeat: "Posters")[(set: $Followers to it +1)(set: $Opponents to it + (random: -1,1))] - Increases Followers by 1
(link-repeat: "TV Debate")[(Set: $Followers to it +(random: -2,3))(set: $Risk to it -1)(set: $Opponents to it +(random: -2,3))] - May increase or decrease followers
(Link-repeat: "Silince opponents")[(set: $Opponents to it -5)(set: $Risk to it -10)] - Gets rid of opponents, at a cost
(link-repeat: "Demonstration")[(set: $Risk to it -1)(set: $Followers to it +($Followers/2))] - Works better with more followers
(link-repeat: "Revolution")[(if: $Followers > 50)[(set: $WC to (1,2))(if: $WC is 1)[(set: $STC to 1)(set: $ST to 2)(set: $score to it +10)(replace: ?text)[You overthrow the government]] (if: $WC is 2)[(set: $STC to 1)(set: $ST to 2)(replace: ?text)[Your revolution is put down. Violently.]]] (if: $Followers is 50)[(replace: ?text)[You dont have enough followers]](if: $Followers < 50)[(replace: ?text)[You dont have enough followers]]] - Need at least 50 followers for a 50/50 shot
(live: 1s)[(if: $STC is 1)[(set: $ST to it -1) (if: $ST is 0)[(goto:"Start")]]]
(live: .1s)[(if: $Followers < 1)[(set: $Followers to 0)](if: $Risk < 2)[(set: $Risk to 1)]]
(live: 5s)[(set: $Event to (random: 1,$Risk))(if: $Event is 1)[(set: $EC to (random: 1,3))(if: $EC is 1)[(set: $Followers to it - 10)(set: $Risk to 25)(replace: ?text)[A local newspaper prints an article going against you]] (if: $EC is 2)[(set: $Risk to 25)(replace: ?text)[The police raid your base](set: $Followers to it -20)] (if: $EC is 3)[(set: $opponents to it +10)(set: $Followers to it -5 )(set: $Risk to 25)(replace: ?text)[A local politician denounces you]] ]](live: .1s)[Heat: [$heat]] F
(link-repeat: "Put the food in the oven")[ (set: $FH3 to 3)(set: $FH to 1)(set: $finalheat to $heat)(if: $finalheat > 250)[(set: $score to it +5)(replace: ?text)[Burned]](if: $finalheat < 250)[(set: $score to it +5)(replace: ?text)[Undercooked]](if: $finalheat is 250)[(replace: ?text)[Perfect]]]
(live: .1s)[(if: $FH is 1)[(stop:)](if: $heat < 100)[(set: $heatU to 1)(set: $heatD to 0)](if: $heat > 300)[(set: $heatU to 0)(set: $heatD to 1)]]
(live: .1s)[(if: $heatU is 1)[(set: $heat to it +1)] (if: $heatD is 1)[(set: $heat to it -1)]]
(replace: ?text)[Put the food in at 250 F]
(live: .1s)[(if: $FH is 1)[(set: $heat to $finalheat)]]
(live: 1s)[(if: $FH is 1)[(set: $FH3 to it -1) (if: $FH3 is 0)[(goto: "Start")]]]|text>[]
(link-repeat: "Left")[(if: $DC is 2)[(set: $DA to it +1)(set: $CD to 1)(set: $IS to 100)(replace: ?text)[The asteroid flys right past you]] (if: $DC is 1)[(goto: "Start")] ] (link-repeat: "Right")[(if: $DC is 2)[(goto: "Start")] (if: $DC is 1)[(set: $DA to it +1)(set: $CD to 1)(set: $IS to 100)(replace: ?text)[The asteroid flys right past you]]]
(live: .1s)[(if: $WP is 0)[(set: $DC to (random: 1,2))(if: $DC is 1)[(set: $IS to (random: 4,11))(set: $WP to 1)(set: $CD to 0)(replace: ?text)[(live: .1s)[An asteroid is coming from the left. It will impact in [$IS] seconds]] (set: $DG to 1)] (if: $DC is 2)[(set: $IS to (random: 4,11))(set: $WP to 1)(set: $CD to 0)(replace: ?text)[(live: .1s)[An asteroid is coming from the right. It will impact in [$IS] seconds]]] ]]
(live: .1s)[(if: $DA is 10)[(set: $Win to 1)(goto: "Start")(set: $score to it +10)] ]
(live: 1s)[(set: $IS to it -1)]
(live: .1s)[(if: $IS is 0)[(set: $score to it +10)(goto: "Start")]]
(live: 1s)[(if: $CD is 1)[(set: $WP to it -1)]]
(live: .1s)[The world ends in [$WES] seconds]
[[Try to stop it]]
[[Call your family]]
(set: $score to it +1)
(live: 1s)[(set: $WES to it -1)]
(if: $WES < 1)[(goto: "theend")]Rocket Launch
[[Start ->Memoir Mini game #1]]
(set: $alt to 0)Asteroid Field Dodge
Free Choice Story
[[Start ->Free choice mini game #1]]
(set: $Win to 0)
(set: $WP to 0)
(set: $SH to 100)The last 3 seconds of life
Horror Story
[[Start ->Horror story mini game #1]]
(set: $WES to 3)(live: .1s)[The world ends in [$WES] seconds]
You scream into the endless void that is life.
[[Go wild]]
(live: 1s)[(set: $WES to it -1)]
(if: $WES < 1)[(goto: "theend")](live: .1s)[The world ends in [$WES] seconds]
The World is ending no matter what you do there is nothing you can do to stop it.
[[Go wild]]
[[Accept it]]
(live: 1s)[(set: $WES to it -1)
(if: $WES is < -1)[(goto: "theend")]](live: .1s)[The world ends in [$WES] seconds]
You run into the streets, screaming. Just like the others.
[[Go even WILDER]]
(live: 1s)[(set: $WES to it -1)
(if: $WES is < -1)[(goto: "theend")]](live: .1s)[The world ends in [$WES] seconds]
You sit down and accept your fate.
(live: 1s)[(set: $WES to it -1)
(if: $WES is < -1)[(goto: "theend")]](live: .1s)[The world ends in [$WES] seconds]
You grab a rock off the ground and tackle someone.
(live: 1s)[(set: $WES to it -1)
(if: $WES is < -1)[(goto: "theend")]](live: .1s)[The world ends in [$WES] seconds]
You call you family and say your goodbyes
[[Accept it]]
(live: 1s)[(set: $WES to it -1)
(if: $WES is < -1)[(goto: "theend")]](live: .1s)[The world ends in [$WES] seconds]
You smash the rock into there head killing them. Its not like it will matter in a few seconds.
(live: 1s)[(set: $WES to it -1)
(if: $WES is < -1)[(goto: "theend")]](live: .1s)[The world ends in [$WES] seconds]
The world ends, and just like that the human race flickers out.
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Start")]Convince the People
Childrens Story unit
[[Start->Children story mini game #1]]
(set: $Risk to 100)
(set: $Opponents to 100)
(set: $Followers to 0)
(set: $ST to 0)
(set: $STC to 0)Don't burn the food
Serendipitous Story
[[Start->Serendipitous Story mini game #1]]
(set: $heatU to 1)
(set: $finalheat to 0)
(set: $heat to 100)
(set: $FH to 0)The last 3 seconds of life: Horror Story - [[Play->Horror story mini game #1 Start]]
Asteroid Field Dodge: Free Choice Story - [[Play->Free choice mini game #1 Start]]
Convince the People: Childrens Story - [[Play->Children story mini game #1 Start]]
Rocket Launch: Memoir - [[Play ->Memoir Mini game #1 Start]]
Don't burn the food: Serendipitous Story - [[Play->Serendipitous Story mini game #1 Start]]